Intentionally Ever After
Intentionally Ever After
with guest Krista Layne Sevajian
Krista Layne Sevajian first started Live True LLC. by coaching clients through their strengths and providing others with the coaching that she needed through a time of depression and awakening that was happening in her life in 2016.
Krista continued her full time job as a school administrator as she was healing through depression and built her dream business from the dark night of the soul. 7 years later, her business evolved and so did her soul.
With intentional planning, consistent mindfulness routines and habits, paired with taking action, she created her dream business from her passion for crystals and gemstones and retired from her public school administration position in 2022 to live her dream full time!
You can find Krista on
Instagram @ livetruehealing
Facebook @ livetruehealing
and at
Joe Bukartek empowers people to live intentionally. As host of the podcast, Intentionally Ever After [www.IntentionallyEverAfter.com], Joe is an ultramarathon runner and pickleball enthusiast, living at the beach with his family as part of his own curated intentional lifestyle.
As a board certified Intentional Lifestyle Coach, Joe helps individuals to have lives and careers that are wildly more fulfilling. Ready to curate a life of intention? Connect with Joe on his website [www.joebukartek.com] or LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/joebukartek/.]
Joe also helps emerging adults build lifelong success beyond the nest in his specialized program, Intention to Launch. This results-driven partnership guides participants as they prepare to leave home and discover their ideal lives. Ready to launch? Check out [www.IntentionToLaunch.com]
If you would like to have your own intentional conversation with Joe, either on or off the air, visit https://www.joebukartek.com/contact
Check out more episodes at intentionallyeverafter.com
00;00;06;23 - 00;00;22;11
Krista Layne Sevajian
And every morning I made a choice to get up and to live my best life and how my intentionality was forming with daily rituals that I knew I had to execute in order to change my life for the future.
00;00;23;16 - 00;00;38;15
This is intentionally, ever after. Join Intentional Lifestyle Coach Joe Booker's McCarthy for a series of personal conversations and coaching sessions with various people about how living with intention shows up for them.
00;00;40;02 - 00;00;55;07
Joe Bukartek
Greetings, Everyone, welcome to another episode of Intentionally Ever After. Today I am beyond excited to be speaking with the great long time dear friend Christa Sebastian. Christa, welcome.
00;00;55;24 - 00;00;57;12
Krista Layne Sevajian
Thanks, Joe. It's great to be here.
00;00;57;20 - 00;01;03;00
Joe Bukartek
Yeah, it's very great to have you. Christa, would you kindly introduce yourself to folks?
00;01;03;27 - 00;01;30;18
Krista Layne Sevajian
Yes. My name is Christa Lane Savage, and I am the owner now president. I have just been labeled president with my new switchover of Live True LLC, where we began our business in 2016. It was established during, I would say, a dark night of my soul, and it is evolved into a product based business where the groundwork was started as a life coach.
00;01;31;09 - 00;01;46;24
Krista Layne Sevajian
So in 2019, we became a full product based business and we teach spiritually awakened classes. But now we are 100% a product based business and we are called Live True. And that is my background.
00;01;47;16 - 00;02;01;08
Joe Bukartek
Thank you for sharing that. You said something that I've heard you say before, but I'd love if you explain it a little bit further. It was born out of a dark night of my soul or during a dark night of my soul. Can you kind of let us know what that means?
00;02;01;23 - 00;02;33;15
Krista Layne Sevajian
Yeah, I would actually love to let you know what it means because of that time of my life, I get to be who I am today and I would say every year I spent alive before 2016, I was getting to know myself and then we were summoned, I would say, by Spirit or God or the eternal source of what I do creates you to move to a town in Indiana called Indiana, Pennsylvania, from the Washington, D.C. area.
00;02;33;15 - 00;02;58;26
Krista Layne Sevajian
I was 29. No, actually, I was 32. And when I moved here, I stepped into a full changeover in life. And I realized what I was really relying on to decide what my worth was and what I cared about. And it was all stripped away and no one knew me, no one knew anything about me. And that really rocked my world.
00;02;58;29 - 00;03;26;07
Krista Layne Sevajian
And so I went into what some would call a deep depression, and I did not seek any sort of medicine or doctor or support or anything like that. I just slipped deeper and deeper into a darkness where I was falling asleep by 5 p.m. at night. My children were four and six and I barely knew them or knew why I was mothering them anymore and married and my partner today was the partner then.
00;03;26;19 - 00;03;50;09
Krista Layne Sevajian
And we were going through a full on life transition and I didn't understand who I was anymore. So my identity was pretty much stripped away. And what happened was I ended up connecting with Spirit deeply. And there's a whole story about that. But that was what I would describe the dark night of my soul. It was a deep, deep depression in my life.
00;03;51;09 - 00;04;14;19
Joe Bukartek
Thank you for sharing that. You know, and Chris has we've had more than one conversation prior to this in our in our lifetime. You know, that I speak a lot through the lens of intentionality, right. And I'd love to actually hear about the process you were just referring to, you know, connecting the spirit and maybe incorporating the idea of intentionality into that, if you might, at some point.
00;04;15;09 - 00;04;52;05
Krista Layne Sevajian
Sure. So my background is I went to the university, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where I met Melanie because I actually your wife, your amazing partner. And I walked through a lot of early learning days with friends and went through a lot of life transitions and became an elementary school teacher. My background is elementary ed and then I went quickly and swiftly into a school administration position at age 29 and at age 29, I met new obstacles of what leadership can bring into one's life.
00;04;52;05 - 00;05;15;28
Krista Layne Sevajian
One being that you no longer belong to a tribe because leaders are made differently. Leadership is one where sometimes you walk alone to walk to the light. And I learned that early and I saw a new lens what tribal mentality can be like? And I was part of the tribe which were the teachers, you know, like we're a whole different makeup of people, right?
00;05;16;10 - 00;05;41;14
Krista Layne Sevajian
And so then I became the leader of my tribe. And one day I walked into a classroom and I saw a teacher on her cell phone, and I had to talk with her. And she wanted me to be her friend, but I couldn't be I had to be a leader. And I'd say what's best for students. And it's my understanding that same teacher began a very clear rumor about me and the principal I was working with.
00;05;41;14 - 00;06;00;07
Krista Layne Sevajian
And what happened was my whole life started to shift because I realized I allowed gossip and what people thought of me to be the lens from which I looked at myself through because I was relying so heavily, almost like praying to people at night. Like those were my idols. It was like I wanted everyone to see me in this amazing light.
00;06;00;07 - 00;06;31;00
Krista Layne Sevajian
And when they didn't, my world crumbled around me. So what happened was basically I continued to live through one day after the next of continuing as a leader, thinking I'm meant to do this mentally, but this is literally feeling like it's breaking me, so I might as well move. Like then I then I decided to put in for a move to Pennsylvania because my father was sick but also is happy to get out of the situation I was in, one that I didn't feel I earned, but at the same time I was the common denominator.
00;06;31;00 - 00;06;53;23
Krista Layne Sevajian
I was still the one walking in that role without intention. And what happened was I put in for this job that people said I would never get. It's the sixth highest paying school district in Pennsylvania, Anderson, Pennsylvania, where there are these killer pension plans for teachers and they pay for your health care like, you know, game over. This was it.
00;06;54;12 - 00;07;15;23
Krista Layne Sevajian
And whatever people said I couldn't do, I always let that drive me. So I did it and I got the job and I came here and it started all over again and it got even more intense. Got so much more intense. In fact, that the teachers that I was working with here ended up being ones that I had to confront as well.
00;07;16;00 - 00;07;39;00
Krista Layne Sevajian
So even though we were the six highest paying school district, there's a lot of change that needed to happen and a lot of other things needed to happen. And as a leader, we sometimes deal with having to make the really tough calls, the really big decisions, the ones that other people did not sign up to make, and also empower people to help drive those decisions.
00;07;39;29 - 00;08;11;16
Krista Layne Sevajian
So what ended up happening was I moved to a new area, I confronted some old issues and more things occurred where I felt like I was taken to my knees. And so I cried every single day that I moved here from 2015 and until 2017 and February. And at night I would go to sleep and then I would wake up, start my day again and at night get in the shower and cry because I didn't want anyone in my family to see me anymore.
00;08;12;23 - 00;08;30;24
Krista Layne Sevajian
And one day I said to myself and I was going to church every Sunday, mind you, but I had no idea who God was at this point. Like I was so lost. My people were my gods. It was clear. And one day I said, You know, God, take my life, or maybe I will. And I was crying in the shower.
00;08;30;24 - 00;08;56;13
Krista Layne Sevajian
It was February. And what I'm about to tell you is what I think people see and those near-death experiences. So this could be the place where your listeners turn it off or turn it on. And I am fully aware of that with the business I run and I felt a holy shower wash over me. It was the one where I heard the voice of angels and God very clearly, and I was told to stand up and step up.
00;08;56;13 - 00;09;22;17
Krista Layne Sevajian
It's time for me to live and they have me. I think it's that born again moment that people try to talk about. And so that was the day my tears stopped. And every morning I made a choice to get up and to live my best life and how my intentionality was forming with daily rituals that I knew I had to execute in order to change my life for the future.
00;09;23;03 - 00;09;40;21
Krista Layne Sevajian
Because I understood my consistency. Levels were very low, so I would start something like a diet. I'd be gone in a week, you know, I would start a routine, I would be gone in like three days because I really didn't understand anything beyond a New Year's resolution at that point in my life. And, you know, those only last maybe 17 days at the best, right?
00;09;40;21 - 00;10;08;29
Krista Layne Sevajian
Like we know that the sustainability of a New Year's resolution is I have always experienced of being very short and sweet, but then it would end miserably. But finally what happened was because I was touched so deeply in my soul to live, I thought my life is worth living and it's worth living with intentionality. And I never missed a day I would wake up and I knew Tony Robbins was my guy at the time.
00;10;08;29 - 00;10;33;01
Krista Layne Sevajian
I knew if I didn't have 3 minutes, I didn't have a life. So I thought, well, I could start with 3 minutes, 3 minutes every morning I'm going to sit in silence until I learn to get my brain to stop talking so much less, and get at least a little bit still and meditate. I'm going to spend 3 minutes praying about my own protection first so I can step out intentionally and declare the life doesn't take me over, I take it.
00;10;33;25 - 00;10;45;22
Krista Layne Sevajian
And that's how my intentional living began. That's exactly how it began. It began very messy, but it got formed into a very sustained process over time.
00;10;45;22 - 00;11;09;01
Joe Bukartek
Oh, that's awesome. That's really awesome. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah. I wonder if it has to start messy, right? Or if maybe I mean, the way you describe it, it sounds like it certainly was messy, but it's seemingly far, far less messy now. And how do you stay how do you stay connected with that idea? Is it simply the ritual of your 3 minutes daily, or has that shifted into something?
00;11;09;17 - 00;11;28;03
Joe Bukartek
What's your reminder? Do you have a physical reminder? Because we all get, you know, low we all have off periods, we get sick heck. Right. That could be enough to sometimes knock us off of our, you know, our true north from time to time. So what is there that reminds you of your of your incentives of your drive?
00;11;29;02 - 00;11;48;11
Krista Layne Sevajian
Great. Great question. Because the first thing you said is, does it have to stay messy? And in my messaging, it was the answer is no, it doesn't ever have to be messy. It's just Krista decided in this life I had to experience the mess, because the thing of it is, is it's my calling. You said that your true north or like your North star.
00;11;48;28 - 00;12;13;05
Krista Layne Sevajian
And the day whenever I was saved, like I wasn't saved in a church. Church was my hell. Right. But Jesus Christ, as you'll see this in a minute, is my role model, like my absolute model. So I turn every sort of belief system on its head and you'll see that in a little bit. I'm sure your questions will lead to I quit my job, but one of the things that ended up happening was my only reminder was my North Star.
00;12;13;22 - 00;12;35;14
Krista Layne Sevajian
I was promised that day. I was promised in my soul that I came here to live a life that was different from any other, to bring people to the light. So I decided to have a system of core values to follow my whole life. And one of them is I bring the light, and if I'm raising anybody in this world, which I'm raising two young men, we're crusaders of the light.
00;12;35;22 - 00;12;56;05
Krista Layne Sevajian
But my job is beyond being a mother. That's the only two people to impact. I have a whole world to impact, and I felt like when I was saved that day, I had a big calling to see a bigger than me and to get outside of myself. So some of the things that remind me of that is I had some very early days and I know this.
00;12;56;17 - 00;13;16;08
Krista Layne Sevajian
This could be a typical thing for an intentional podcast to talk about or for people to talk about. Vision boarding and visualization was huge for me, and words matter. So I hear words and they remind me of things. So I would always use the most high frequency words I could to describe my life. Some call it neuro linguistics.
00;13;16;22 - 00;13;38;06
Krista Layne Sevajian
I just call it positive talk. I always gave myself a chance to start every single day with that positive talk. And if I heard that something was happening in my head that didn't agree with the process, I was agreeing to with Spirit, what I did. I know this is nuts. I had a bracelet on my my wrist, much like this beaded one that I don't think your viewers can see.
00;13;38;24 - 00;14;00;19
Krista Layne Sevajian
But every time I would start a negative dialog in my head, I would switch it to my other arm. And it was this thing that I think a life coach online actually taught me, but I had to give myself a physical reminder beyond hurting me, because I used to hurt myself. I used to like give myself a pinch when I was biting my nails too much or hurt myself in some way to destroy any progress I gave to me.
00;14;01;12 - 00;14;20;01
Krista Layne Sevajian
And this time I thought, Let's be gentle. Just switch your wrist and make it so one day you don't have to switch it anymore. And I tell you what, I don't even need them anymore. I won't even give myself an option to do anything but live my best life. And it was just day after day. And you can see where in 2022 now.
00;14;20;17 - 00;14;35;05
Krista Layne Sevajian
So over time it did take time. But what is five years when you're living a whole life like? What is five years? Five years is a really short blink of your eye, but it feels very long when you're living it and you're living in health. So those are some things that I used as a reminder.
00;14;35;05 - 00;15;00;15
Joe Bukartek
Joe That's great. And actually your previous influence of Tony Robbins talks about changing your physiology. So that would absolutely address what you're talking about with previously pinching yourself. You know, that is a physical response, but kinder to yourself. I love the idea of just switching your wardrobe essentially right, giving you that moment to pause and thinking and move a little bit more versus great.
00;15;01;06 - 00;15;18;04
Joe Bukartek
I have so many questions I want to go to. I'm trying to keep my thoughts organized here. So, Chris, you've talked about this a lot, but I'm wondering, so when you're living with intention, what does that look like for you? Maybe even on a granular level, day to day, what does it look like for you to live with intention?
00;15;18;04 - 00;15;42;27
Krista Layne Sevajian
Right. I have a clear schedule, so I'll go through it. I think success leaves clues. So I watched mighty successful people and this is how I watch them. Just as you said, Tony Robbins suggests that emotion changes with emotion. And I would get on a treadmill at the time when it was really, you know, darker weather outside. The people are always complaining about I chose not to complain about God's elements because I couldn't control.
00;15;43;07 - 00;16;02;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
I got on a treadmill and I kept going and I would put on early days. Like, my whole life has changed, but early days I would put on people like Joyce Meyer because in that time of my life, her messages matched my reality and I would keep listening and listening and I would become the learner and the receiver versus the one that knows at all.
00;16;03;11 - 00;16;24;28
Krista Layne Sevajian
In my old life, I knew everything. Just, you know, ask anyone that hung out with me. I knew everything about everything, whether it was true or false. And then I became this completely insatiable. You could never fill my hunger with enough learning. So I put her on in the early days and she'd be backed up by Tony Robbins, and then that would be over.
00;16;24;28 - 00;16;38;23
Krista Layne Sevajian
And then I would put on Gary Zoo Cobb the seat of the soul. Then that would end, and I would put on the untethered soul, and then that would end. And I would listen to something like The Alchemist. But the Alchemist had so many internal truths to such a fictional story that I don't believe is fictional at all.
00;16;39;14 - 00;17;06;03
Krista Layne Sevajian
And there were these moments in time where I just considered feeding my vessel with everything that I needed to get to the point that I'm in today. And then there was a day when I turned off all of the gurus and I said, Krista, it's time to take the lead and be your own guru. Because I think the whole goal, especially in the world I live in, if anyone doesn't realize the world I live in with, lived through, it's a metaphysical company.
00;17;06;12 - 00;17;30;01
Krista Layne Sevajian
We sell crystals. People buy psychic advice all the time through crystal owners. And I chose to take the opposite approach. I said No. My number two core value in this business is personal empowerment. If you have to buy a psychic reader to read your fortune for the future, there's zero empowerment in that product. So how do I create my life?
00;17;30;01 - 00;17;50;13
Krista Layne Sevajian
So I stop outsourcing my empowerment and I become my own guru and I learn me because I feel like and you probably talk about this all the time, Joe, the person you spend the most time with is you. And if we aren't investing our most time in ourselves, how in the world do we create a relationship with thyself?
00;17;51;06 - 00;18;16;12
Krista Layne Sevajian
So I literally exposed me in a town like this. I'm in a very small town, mothers. I'm sure this happens everywhere. Mothers put everything they make, do and be with their kids online, on Facebook, all the time. And I think that's it stunted my mojo so I don't consume that content online. My algorithm will show that I produce more than consume, and I very rarely see people's lives anymore because I don't look.
00;18;17;10 - 00;18;52;16
Krista Layne Sevajian
But the one thing that I knew was I didn't identify with just being a mother. I identified with being, you know, a fire starter, a change agent, a leader, a mothers. And there, you know, like a family person is in there, but it's not the only thing I do. And so all of these things came back to me and because I gave myself permission to learn me and step away from just being the mom, that takes everyone over to the basketball game and brings all of the friends over which that's all important to a child's development.
00;18;53;02 - 00;19;11;02
Krista Layne Sevajian
But if we aren't personally developing ourselves, we never find who we are anyway. So that is where I thought the game changing moment was, is when I committed to me. I committed to me first. My first role in life is me before any other, right? I even answer the question.
00;19;12;07 - 00;19;16;29
Joe Bukartek
You did not. Not in the way that I thought you might, but you absolutely answered it.
00;19;17;05 - 00;19;18;06
Krista Layne Sevajian
What was the question again?
00;19;18;17 - 00;19;48;17
Joe Bukartek
Well, I asked what it looked like for you to live with intention. Right. But but that that absolutely gets at it because you connect with yourself. You you turn down the amount of input that you are consuming and started producing your own life. Right. You stopped, you know, gathering in information and just sitting with it and you started enacting you listen to yourself more so than the third party, is what I'm hearing.
00;19;48;17 - 00;20;20;17
Krista Layne Sevajian
So what it looks like is literally my day in and day out looks very similar up until the day I quit my job because what I knew was I was running a lot of things at one time. I was running a full time job, I was a mother, and I was also creating my business and one of the things that I would do is first thing before anything else, before I started, anything else, I would go to what I call my altar, and I created a space in my room where I can intentionally walk over.
00;20;20;17 - 00;20;40;13
Krista Layne Sevajian
And I always pray a prayer of protection around myself and everyone that I will eventually come in contact with the day. But I always begin in a very selfish way. I first cover myself with my bubble of protection and light, and I draw light and love into my soul. And I send light and love out to the world every single day without fail.
00;20;40;15 - 00;21;02;11
Krista Layne Sevajian
I call in my angels and I do talk to Jesus Christ. You can talk to anybody you want. Those are the ones I resonate with. So I talk to them and then I put them around my children, you know, the ones that really are very much growing and becoming who they need to be in this world, but they don't necessarily have the full amount of life yet to go out and do it on their own.
00;21;02;11 - 00;21;23;10
Krista Layne Sevajian
So I always pray for like these innocent parties first, right? And then I put a bubble of light around very specific people after that. These people that are very close to my life, my partner, people that I'm loving, I'm loving and close with, and just very specific people without mentioning names, because I never want for anyone to feel like they're left out.
00;21;23;22 - 00;21;52;26
Krista Layne Sevajian
Because here's the other part. Then I pray for the world. I go and I'm in because at the time I was heading to a school and there were so many different realities happening at that time in my life and things I couldn't control and things I very much had intentional living around. And if I just thought of things differently in my responses, in my actions and what my priorities are actually priority, and then what follows that I knew the whole day would go differently.
00;21;53;20 - 00;22;13;17
Krista Layne Sevajian
And so I would pray for wisdom around what to start with. And I always knew what to start with. I'd get in and I would always start with the one thing, and I would always begin my day, especially on days that were difficult and challenging and schools, if anyone who listens to this is a school employee, there are some really dark deeds in school systems, very dark days, especially as a leader.
00;22;13;17 - 00;22;32;06
Krista Layne Sevajian
You see everything. So I would begin by saying, Show me where to start and show me who to respond to first. And a lot of days I would start with just a thank you note to someone who may be feeling unseen or unheard, or someone that I don't remember speaking to in a while. And I would always start there.
00;22;32;20 - 00;22;49;19
Krista Layne Sevajian
And inevitably, Ayn Rand calls it the virtue of selfishness. It's just that my own soul, you know, like it gave me a good positive start to start the day. But at the same time I was paying it forward in another way. But in the end it always helps the person doing it too. So those are some of the things I would begin with.
00;22;49;19 - 00;23;12;02
Krista Layne Sevajian
And then here's the other thing. After I would start at my altar, I pray that protection prayer, I would go into about 3 minutes of meditation and I would start like this. I would picture a blank movie screen of my I call it my third eye, but is the center of your forehead. It's the area where all of your thoughts are formed and where it seems like overactive thinking can become a lifestyle.
00;23;12;16 - 00;23;33;17
Krista Layne Sevajian
And I would blank it out, I would clear it, and I would put a big bright light into it. I would imagine that instead of all the chatter, like wonder how she liked, how I talked to her yesterday, or I wonder if my breath stunk whenever I spoke to him. I wonder if he's going to accept me the same way today as he did yesterday was always meant to because in my role, female leaders always look to get male approval.
00;23;33;17 - 00;23;52;19
Krista Layne Sevajian
At least I felt that, and that's something I worked through. It was always like that, and instead of thinking of all that stuff, I just pictured nothing the best I could. And even picturing a black movie screen is still something, but at least it wasn't all the rest of it. And then finally, here's here's the interesting thing. I bought myself an oracle for the day.
00;23;52;23 - 00;24;14;18
Krista Layne Sevajian
I just said, Spirit, lead me to what this would be. And I had a positive stack of, like, cards, kind of like your intentional cards, like coaching cards, that type of thing. And I would pull one and I would read it and I would say, All right, this is my this is my M.O. I'm going for it. And I would always have like a positive intention, like when you when you shine your light, light can be found in others, you know, something like that.
00;24;14;18 - 00;24;24;24
Krista Layne Sevajian
I just kind of made it up, but that is how my day one and I started it all within the first hour of my morning. And that set my tone for the rest of my day.
00;24;25;25 - 00;24;44;02
Joe Bukartek
Yeah. You such deep answers. There's so much to chew on here, Chris, that that's. I'm just sitting with it. It's. It's so good. It's so good. I'm looking forward to listening back to this, frankly. Here's what I'm curious about here is you talked about, you know, what it looked like when you were when you were in the school space as well.
00;24;44;02 - 00;24;53;13
Joe Bukartek
And you get some great perspectives and how you intentionally led your life that way. At a certain point that was no longer serving you. Would you be willing to share about that transition?
00;24;53;29 - 00;25;24;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
Yeah, I'm sure some of my customers are teachers that I was supervising. Some of my customers are parents. And when I share this truth, it's my truth and you can take it or leave it. But I had to learn to get this way to be as successful as I am. So about two years ago and we would call this the national the world pandemic and I've learned in my business, I don't use certain words because I always want my Instagram accounts to be found.
00;25;24;25 - 00;25;46;10
Krista Layne Sevajian
I don't I never want to take a political stance on anything. I'll take the stance of light and I'll take the stance of hope and opportunity. But the politics can be left with the politicians. That's not that's not where I'm going with my business. So when the world changed, I think forever in 2020, so did my life. We all went home.
00;25;46;10 - 00;26;19;01
Krista Layne Sevajian
We all went inside. My business was partially online, but I was serving clients in person with coaching classes, with classes about spirituality, meditation. I was visiting about six people a time or 1 to 1 settings and Spirit led me to reach so many more because I couldn't reach them in my home. I couldn't reach them in person. And one day I sat here in that silence because we were somewhat watching classrooms from a distance, because we were all on zoom, all figuring that out.
00;26;19;01 - 00;26;36;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
And I wasn't walking into classrooms, I wasn't showing up into a building. I wasn't doing the normal day to day paperwork I would normally do. We were all trying to figure this out and I was the school principal of a fourth and fifth grade school here in Indiana. PTA And I have, I think, the best group to ever work with.
00;26;37;05 - 00;27;02;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
I had the most empowering teaching staff. I was called in to turn around a school because they had dealt with some different leadership issues. And I people who really love to work any school you go to, you're going to the best students because they're so naturally themselves. And so I had the best of everything except for, I think leaders that are amazing and great are made differently.
00;27;03;07 - 00;27;23;08
Krista Layne Sevajian
And I wasn't leading the whole thing, but I was learning how to lead. So one of the things I felt was, okay, how do I empower my people from a distance to feel appreciated that they got this even though they weren't trained to do this like this, that, you know, we can love people even when we're not in front of them physically, but we can still feel each other's energy.
00;27;23;20 - 00;27;42;00
Krista Layne Sevajian
And I think it was quite simple. I believed in them and I always approached them in a way that I knew they were going to kill it and they were the best employees that I would ever work with. And it turns out they ended up producing that way. So we were the School of Excellence, and in my opinion, everybody wanted to come to our school.
00;27;42;00 - 00;27;59;14
Krista Layne Sevajian
I would want to come to my school. I worked for really crappy principals. I was the principal I'd want to work with because the other side was I was willing to listen and learn if I was doing something incorrectly or I would never think anything's really incorrect. Once you learn, you do better. I would listen. I would say, Is this working?
00;27;59;14 - 00;28;12;11
Krista Layne Sevajian
You guys? They go, Christa, it's not real. It doesn't work like that. And I go, Oh, my gosh, I forgot. I haven't been in a classroom in a while. Let's look at this differently. Let's look at the information and see how we can drive this differently. So we were empowering each other like that.
00;28;12;15 - 00;28;22;07
Joe Bukartek
Christa So far this is sounding like a story as to why you love your job and are still there. Like you're describing really wonderful work culture and work environment, it sounds like so far.
00;28;22;25 - 00;28;46;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
Yes. So it's important for you to know that because I like to create the places I want to be. The difference is not every leader understands that, especially in schools. We weren't trained like Fortune 500 leaders. Right. We were trained to be teachers. And if you're lucky, you're going to figure out leadership without guilting and shaming people and telling them, why are you calling off again?
00;28;46;25 - 00;29;04;00
Krista Layne Sevajian
You saw or not talking to you the next day because you did something wrong. Those were the leaders I had. I had the leaders stop talking to people because they misbehaved like kids, like you almost become like a parent in some for some odd reason as a principal to even the employees. And that's awkward and weird to me.
00;29;05;00 - 00;29;28;26
Krista Layne Sevajian
And so I thought, no, I'm treating these employees like they're working at the Four Seasons and we're running the best company in the world. Like that's what I'm treating my employees like, because Four Seasons is known for human resources and positive employee engagement, they're known for their culture. I have a close friend that works in a high level at Four Seasons, so one of the things that I did is I want to run my school like the Four Seasons.
00;29;29;08 - 00;29;52;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
The difference was people didn't run me that way. I always felt like Michael Jordan. He wanted a Scottie Pippen, and I didn't know who my Scottie Pippen wants to play with. I wanted to play ball in a winning team that won championships. One after another, and we never stopped. And so I would request consistently after that year I would go, Hey, guys, we need leadership training.
00;29;53;14 - 00;30;17;06
Krista Layne Sevajian
Hey, guys, can we get leadership training? Hey, guys, our employees are really special people. We need leadership training and year after year after year, or I would say month after month after month, I was unheard and I wasn't listened to. But yet my people loved coming to work. I had the lowest rate of people taking off. I had the highest rate of student attendance and lowest discipline referrals.
00;30;17;10 - 00;30;37;27
Krista Layne Sevajian
People loved coming to school. No one would listen. And then what happened was I was now at home and my employees were starting to get to the point where they were really kind of handling it. But, you know, it's still difficult. We all went back to school. Here's the part that makes sense. Let me start here one more time.
00;30;38;10 - 00;30;58;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
When we were all shut in, I started putting all of my work online and that's where I started posting my products. I was able to work from home. I was able to see that I had another side to work with so I could reach more people, but simultaneously, our leadership team was finding a way to get everyone back in school, so we were one of the only schools that was going back.
00;30;58;25 - 00;31;29;17
Krista Layne Sevajian
They were going back 2022 had. And it felt like a whole political battle started to break out in our school, in our school system. And there were all these converging beliefs about masks and no masks. And who's vaccinated? Who's not vaccinated? Do we ask for vaccine cards and then it was said to me, if you have a kid that doesn't come to school with a mask on, there is discipline you need to put in place.
00;31;30;21 - 00;31;49;08
Krista Layne Sevajian
And I said, Wait a minute. We were just saying a week ago that this is how we handle this situation. Now, I have a student with an IEP that's saying he's not coming to school with a mask on. And you're saying that if I don't discipline him, it could fall back on me and I could be taken to court about this.
00;31;50;00 - 00;32;28;11
Krista Layne Sevajian
And that was the day my whole world changed. So whenever I realized, no matter what your political view is, when we're putting our students in the center of this issue and creating them is the leveraging point of our true decision. So if I would discipline this kid, it would change his life forever. If I would discipline that student for not doing what he was told to do when he put in the proper notice and all these things to do it, then he would have a mark on him for life, something that could not be reversed because he was standing up to take a stance and fourth grade he was using his voice and now I'm
00;32;28;11 - 00;32;50;24
Krista Layne Sevajian
disciplining him and making him go home as a suspension for not wearing a mask. So I went to the board meeting and my husband spoke up on my behalf, something no one ever does and said, What are you doing with your employees if they do not confront students and put them in a disciplinary action like what is your answer to this?
00;32;51;13 - 00;33;16;12
Krista Layne Sevajian
And this is a very, you know, drawn out story just to say it was still going to be a court case. And that's when I decided that no matter what, I wasn't going to hold back. I think what it's coming down to is I felt like I was supposed to leave. I felt like I wasn't being heard. I wasn't part of a good old boys system that was being developed.
00;33;16;24 - 00;33;33;24
Krista Layne Sevajian
I didn't have the same in fact, I'm not even affiliated with any side. I'm I am one of those people that can't even vote in the primaries because I'm not like I'm in that world of I'm not here to commit to you or you. I'm here for the people. So this makes sense for the people. I'm voting for it.
00;33;34;04 - 00;33;50;06
Krista Layne Sevajian
If it doesn't make sense for the people, I'm not voting for it. And I have a very clear you know, I have a husband that's very clear on his stances. I have people in my life that are very clear. I would say that great for you. I have my perceptions, too. And I have my intentional stance on this too.
00;33;51;20 - 00;34;11;06
Krista Layne Sevajian
There was a very clear political game going on in my school system and one that I couldn't get my heart around and I couldn't feel empowered around. And so I started to prepare. The employees I worked with, I said, I'm getting ready to transition out. Joe, I'll tell you what, I didn't even run my numbers to the point.
00;34;11;07 - 00;34;26;03
Krista Layne Sevajian
Now I could live off of my earnings and my whole paycheck was paying for our life at the time like it was. It was all paying for a life, and I didn't even know if I could continue. But what I thought was I was smart. I bought the house where I have a very low mortgage because I know how to flip homes.
00;34;26;04 - 00;34;44;21
Krista Layne Sevajian
We bought at a very low rate, very low. It's not even a mortgage. I rent to my company so I don't even have a mortgage. All my cars were paid off. I have zero credit card debt. I learned early I didn't want debt and my payments to life were very minimal. So I can literally go to Starbucks and work and pay for my life.
00;34;45;04 - 00;35;00;02
Krista Layne Sevajian
And I knew that. And so I, I have nothing to lose except for my heart if I stay in this. And so the day that I quit my job, see, I'm only talking about this for the first time. I've never really shared this whole story like this.
00;35;00;06 - 00;35;01;29
Joe Bukartek
Oh, wonderful. I'm so glad. Thank you.
00;35;02;09 - 00;35;27;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
Yeah, but like the day that I quit my job, I knew that no longer people were listening to me at a higher level. I knew that people at this hierarchy, like a superintendent, wasn't listening to me. In fact, he was sending his people and they didn't have any right to even have supervision models over me. They were the same, the same line as me, so they couldn't even supervise me.
00;35;28;06 - 00;35;44;21
Krista Layne Sevajian
But they're telling me you need to suck it up and do the job. That's what the superintendent said. They said, Yeah, but we have kids. I was in charge of a lot of different things and we had kids failing. We had kids not doing well and there weren't answers for that. But we were going to stand on these other things that we needed to stand on.
00;35;44;21 - 00;35;55;15
Krista Layne Sevajian
So I would just that pandemic changed me and it gave me a voice and it gave me the reason why I'm here and how to build that out.
00;35;56;15 - 00;36;17;10
Joe Bukartek
Well, you didn't talk about this, but this phenomenon that I'm hearing happening is, you know, just the fact that all these external circumstances are happening around it, that we don't have control over this global pandemic, the leadership culture of, you know, the folks above you, decision makers of poverty that we don't necessarily have control of. But what you have identified is your ability to respond, right?
00;36;17;10 - 00;36;41;17
Joe Bukartek
How are you willing to respond? And when you are in charge of the space, you do have maybe more influence on the outcome that will affect many other people. But inevitably, in any situation, you always have the ability to decide how you choose to respond. And it sounds like this was you know, you had enough of the traditional reasons perhaps to just stick it out righteous financially, you know, just stick with it.
00;36;41;17 - 00;36;57;14
Joe Bukartek
You know, you're in this highly regarded school system, in a highly regarded position that you should just stick with it, grin and bear it. It could always be worse. I'm sure you heard those types of things as well, but you chose that this didn't make sense for you. There was too much of a sacrifice, too much of a cost.
00;36;57;27 - 00;37;14;03
Joe Bukartek
And while maybe not a monetary cost, too much of a cost to you personally, if you were to just exist and continue to be in that situation. So it sounds like you got very intentional in choosing how to respond, and it sounds like it served you very, very well to this point.
00;37;14;03 - 00;37;41;13
Krista Layne Sevajian
You know, I don't know if other listeners feel this way or not or if you have other people to talk about this. I never wanted anyone to own my ever or anything, whether it's money, another person, a job, because I felt like there's no life in that life. And so early in my twenties, I decided I didn't want to live with debt because it was owning my life.
00;37;41;13 - 00;38;00;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
My husband lost his job in my twenties and I had this whole facade to hold up and I thought, How am I going to pay for this house in southern Maryland? That's like 20 $700 every month going out and now I'm making a $70,000 salary that cannot pay for that. That was when I was an assistant principal in Maryland.
00;38;01;18 - 00;38;18;29
Krista Layne Sevajian
And I thought, how am I going to hold up this lifestyle? And I thought, Holy cow, too much owns me right now. The money owns me, the house owns me, and the perception of others own me. So I was already kind of wired that I learned that life lesson really early and I never wanted to live like that again.
00;38;19;25 - 00;38;45;02
Krista Layne Sevajian
So with intentional planning, I did. I'll throw out a name that maybe some people know about, but early on I used Dave Ramsey's advice. I don't agree with all of it. Now I think there's absolutely good debt to have. In fact, that runs the whole other side of our business. But there's this other side too, where because I had that early learning, we can't negate the early days of our existence because those are the things that built us.
00;38;45;12 - 00;39;07;15
Krista Layne Sevajian
That's the reason our house stands the way it does. And so when we got to this point and I was able to look at all of my teachers in the face because I had a lot of employees come to school, they were like, I can't believe, you know, people are making us do this or making do that. And I would just say back to them very respectfully and lovingly, then change your life so you don't have to let that happen.
00;39;08;05 - 00;39;28;05
Krista Layne Sevajian
Either become the leader or create a life where you don't have to pay for your house or you don't have to have the job to pay for your house. And that almost sounds like a foreign language. Someone doesn't know if you've never of it. In fact, I've met many people now that never knew what it's like not to have a car payment, and I just knew what it was like early, so I wanted to keep it.
00;39;28;18 - 00;39;46;10
Krista Layne Sevajian
And they knew what it was like to be able to maintain car payments their whole life. I just never wanted to. So it's just a matter of mindset and I just wanted to share this. One last thing with that, Joe. This is intentional to questioning your mindset that mind traps you in a cage you don't even realize you're in half the time.
00;39;47;02 - 00;40;11;17
Krista Layne Sevajian
How fast can you finish your meal? It's a mindset. How fast can you earn your 400 K a year? That's a mindset or how soon can you earn it? That's the mindset. If and when you can ever quit your job is absolute, totally 100% a mindset. It all is every piece of it, because it always starts with the way you think about it, because it's another thing to then take action.
00;40;11;17 - 00;40;37;04
Joe Bukartek
That's a great share. That's a great nugget. So, you know, you've raised kind of another issue, unfortunately, is all these wonderful sound bites that you're creating. Now, my podcast editor is going to have to really have a hard time figuring out which one to include here with the episode. So thanks a lot, Chris. How about folks who maybe don't have the strongest muscle in in building a helpful or intentional mindset?
00;40;37;04 - 00;40;54;20
Joe Bukartek
What would you what would you encourage them to do? You know, you've actually had a lot of practice and you've you've likely built confidence in your approach. What would you suggest to people who maybe love what they're hearing right now? Man, that sounds great. Oh, man, that I'm sure glad it worked out for her, but it couldn't possibly be me.
00;40;54;20 - 00;40;57;21
Joe Bukartek
What about folks that are kind of living in that zone right now? What would you say to them?
00;40;58;25 - 00;41;20;19
Krista Layne Sevajian
Well, number one, if if you're already naturally saying it couldn't be you, there's your issue. Start there because you're selling yourself short. That sounds like a worthiness issue. So that's the number one piece. I would start with the second piece, and this will always be this. I live with people that have difficulty with this. They live in my home.
00;41;20;25 - 00;41;47;10
Krista Layne Sevajian
I'm raising one of them. And the number one piece is it always comes down to no one can be your best mentor but you again. It will always start with you. And this is the odd part. This is the weirdest part because this is the place. If you're listening and you're afraid to be alone, that's your first and number one priority.
00;41;47;10 - 00;42;19;02
Krista Layne Sevajian
Then that means you need and are literally starving for a date with yourself if you're afraid to be alone with you. That's where I had the biggest issue I used to think it could have been me. I think I could never nail any of this, but I was also the woman that was scared to death, to spend time with myself deep, deep time with myself, without changing the subject, without calling a friend to come in for a date, without planning a big hurrah, or to do or party.
00;42;19;10 - 00;42;50;24
Krista Layne Sevajian
I planned more parties than they did my own life back then. So the number one thing that I would recommend to anybody and again, I would never claim to be anybody's guru. In fact, I should never be somebody. Zero is yourself. Start with you. You know you best. You know, if you can commit the 3 minutes in the morning to meditation, or maybe it is, you have to go for the run or you have to go out for the calm walk, or you have to go out and do something different for you.
00;42;50;24 - 00;43;15;20
Krista Layne Sevajian
Did you know driving can even be that moment? Turn the radio off. Driving can be that moment, the shower can be that moment. Whatever is your moment, that's up to you to find. That's the hardest part. The hardest part is no one's going to be able to answer this for you, but you. So the number one thing you can do is date yourself, date yourself and treat yourself like the best lover you've ever had.
00;43;16;07 - 00;43;38;20
Krista Layne Sevajian
Give yourself the most time. Give yourself the best food. Give yourself an extra bath that day. Give yourself a beautiful shirt to put on your back if you can give yourself a walk around the block whenever you really just want to beat yourself up. Treat yourself like the best lover you've ever had in your life. That's where you start.
00;43;39;17 - 00;43;57;09
Joe Bukartek
That's excellent. I think that's a great challenge. Great, great challenge. Even to the folks, even the folks who aren't so low on themselves right now, you know, the folks who are feeling helpless. Right. I think you've already integrated into your daily practice. Right. Prioritizing you may share at least one more. Please, please do.
00;43;58;21 - 00;44;19;08
Krista Layne Sevajian
One of the things that I had to learn to do early in order to understand how to help myself and say I can do it, is I had to turn off the external noise because oftentimes the things that we're really inspired by and passionate about, no one else can live that dream for you. Sometimes it's hard to even find one person understands why you have it.
00;44;19;17 - 00;44;43;11
Krista Layne Sevajian
And in my case, I was being called a witch and a witchcraft lover and a Satan worshiper. And all I was doing was selling crystals and loving them. This is before I ever sold them. I loved them. I'm like, I really like crystals. And Melanie knows me early. I mean, I thrived on pointing out everyone that didn't follow Christ and the Bible, but then I was starting to be called like a witch and a Satan worshiper and all these things.
00;44;43;12 - 00;45;01;01
Krista Layne Sevajian
I had to stop listening to them because it just wasn't true. I knew what I followed. I knew I knew what I was praying toward, and I knew what I was creating. In this world in mind is a very extreme example. And of course, Krista, that's me, has to go through all these extreme examples to learn life so that I can help other people.
00;45;01;01 - 00;45;21;22
Krista Layne Sevajian
I think as a model to come out of the valley and onto the peak and then back to the valley. But your passion is literally showing you a light to yourself. And sometimes we forgo looking at that. And that passion is exactly where this intentional living stems from. This is it. It's usually the thing that takes you to your knees, too.
00;45;21;22 - 00;45;44;00
Krista Layne Sevajian
That's the other side of it. Your Passion oftentimes is found whenever you are on your knees or you feel like there's nowhere to go. We feel like there's no one to talk to or it's the thing that won't leave your heart. It's that thing. And so that's where I would say, spend time with you and away from all these other people that can draw you away from that.
00;45;44;00 - 00;46;04;26
Joe Bukartek
Again, that's great. That's some really good insight, right? And maybe not even advice, because I have a feeling that you would shy away from the of giving someone advice. So I won't call it that. But it's a it's a wonderful challenge for people to consider. I think, Krista, who is someone you admire and what do you admire about them?
00;46;05;15 - 00;46;20;20
Krista Layne Sevajian
Yeah. So when you send our notes ahead of time so we could kind of plan for this, I was really hoping that my story would lend itself to this question because I lived in a day where I would sit in church and listen to people praying and I'm like, Wow, how do they pray like that? Like, I don't understand.
00;46;21;08 - 00;46;40;06
Krista Layne Sevajian
How does that happen? I'm not like that. Does God even, like, love me? Is this a thing? And I would just say I never knew God until that day in the shower. If that makes the cut, you know, I never knew God until that day in the shower when I was so low and I was spoken to. And then I thought about this question and here's how it's always been.
00;46;40;06 - 00;47;04;19
Krista Layne Sevajian
I've never known a human. I look up to. And I think that's important to realize as a leader that there might be people that, you know, leave success nuggets like trail us on the ground that we can follow. And I do have one of those that person, it's a human. So this person cannot guide me through life. This person cannot show me something that literally you died for it.
00;47;05;15 - 00;47;34;10
Krista Layne Sevajian
This is Michael Jordan. This is the best basketball player. Of course, that's only an opinion. It's the guy that I could watch and watch and watch play basketball. But when I hear him talk about success, leadership and his hunger to overcome adversity, that's leadership. Leaders are made different. Leaders have so much action in their every step that the things people say and do about them doesn't even matter.
00;47;34;14 - 00;48;00;02
Krista Layne Sevajian
Because all of the examples that are out there are so in your face there's nothing left to say. It's like it's like, well, my life is so successful. Like, it's almost like a whisper. It's so low. I can't even hear what people are saying anymore because I'm so focused on what I'm building. But that's just a person. The only mentor that I've ever had that I felt like never went away is Jesus.
00;48;00;02 - 00;48;21;21
Krista Layne Sevajian
And it wasn't because I felt like you could take me to heaven. Although I realize exactly why I feel like heaven's around when Jesus is with me. This is for something different. The stories that were written and I pray that they were as accurate as they seem, because when I hear him in prayer, it feels very accurate. But I also realize it's one one person's account of the situation in the Bible.
00;48;21;21 - 00;48;41;13
Krista Layne Sevajian
He went to places no one else would go. He did it because the calling was so great. He was willing to live until the very end. And it literally took his life because he believed so deeply in the calling of what was driving him and what was breathing life into him and what was telling him to keep going.
00;48;41;19 - 00;49;03;10
Krista Layne Sevajian
I still think there's other pieces of a story that were not narrated and told to us, and I get that in my own way. But I also there's a fierceness about him people didn't like in that time, and it actually scared them because he was so rebellious. And guess what? Those are the game changers. Those are the ones that turn this world around from the darkness to the light.
00;49;03;16 - 00;49;21;15
Krista Layne Sevajian
It's those people. It's those people that rumble the space because you're different. It's those people that hush smells because you're doing the unthinkable. It is those people that walk into a town when everyone's talking crap and you do it anyway because you know it's going to make the change that has to happen. You're the fierce one that went in there.
00;49;21;21 - 00;49;23;04
Krista Layne Sevajian
That's the model I look to.
00;49;24;04 - 00;49;30;22
Joe Bukartek
Speaking of game changers, Krista, what do you imagine some people admire about you?
00;49;30;22 - 00;49;53;16
Krista Layne Sevajian
Well, I think when I die, I always think about this question as death, because, like, I think of life in life. I lived where I cared about what people thought and admired about me. And then I had to shed all that. So I think when I die, people will find hope to live on in their own truth and to do it fiercely.
00;49;53;27 - 00;50;09;24
Krista Layne Sevajian
And I don't even think my name will be remembered after some time. And I think that's the mark of true greatness is when no one talks about you, they just live it, right? Like they live it and they don't need to say your name. They don't need to say Krista did it. Kirsty's like, You know who I'm praying to want to be like.
00;50;09;24 - 00;50;31;06
Krista Layne Sevajian
Like, that's not the game. The game is, is that you do it so subtly but so obviously, like it's it's this crazy way of looking at life where I turn the world on its head in this little time I quit my job. No one quits this job, right? Nobody. Nobody quits the fool on pension plan and the highest teacher salaries and principal salaries.
00;50;31;06 - 00;51;04;06
Krista Layne Sevajian
Like I got paid more than the principals in the surrounding districts for sure, and more than I got paid in DC. In my paycheck was $95,000 for your viewers. Like that was a big deal for us in education here. And then what I learned was that rocked. That's the way God had to use my story because that's what we held on to so tightly, is that security and I was willing to walk away in one person after the next, even people that I thought didn't like me, but I didn't care.
00;51;04;06 - 00;51;22;26
Krista Layne Sevajian
So I think what happened was with me quitting such a secure job was quitting that security and living every single day with passion. Because there wasn't a day I went into school and questioned my reason for being there. I loved it. I loved everything about what I did. And I felt like it was serving such for such a great purpose.
00;51;22;26 - 00;51;40;07
Krista Layne Sevajian
I loved my job. I just didn't like the way that I was being treated and I didn't like the way the people were being treated. And I didn't like the way things are being handled to be very real with you. And these are beautiful people running the system. I don't even think it's their fault until they learn better, but it's time to do better.
00;51;40;07 - 00;52;06;03
Krista Layne Sevajian
Once you learn better. But that that quitting sent a shock around the town. And it was something people couldn't stop talking about. And where where I heard the most of that was you taught me what I can do by just doing it. So you followed through and you did it. Blake That was the piece that was the game changer is that I actually followed through and did it.
00;52;06;18 - 00;52;30;27
Krista Layne Sevajian
I didn't tell the story. Joe, but there was a day that I went for a run and I heard a voice like, I think it's just like how the Bible talks about it. That's why I don't think the prophets are the only ones that know things. And this apostle or the disciples, I know things. And I was spoken to on my run and it was Jesus and Jesus said, You're going to quit your job now, and I have you because you you got to listen to me.
00;52;30;29 - 00;52;45;22
Krista Layne Sevajian
You got to quit your job and you got to listen to me every step. That's how this goes. I didn't know I was going to be able to pay for my life. Although my numbers showed it. I was overspending in inventory, so I didn't have anything down pat. Right? Like, I didn't have anything to the point where I'm like, I could do this.
00;52;45;22 - 00;53;03;01
Krista Layne Sevajian
I just knew I supposed to do this. I was relying on all this, you know, income coming in to do whatever I wanted. I wasn't paying attention the way I was supposed to. And I heard it said to me, You are to do this. It's time now. And what happened to me? So I was on this downhill path where everyone can see me.
00;53;03;01 - 00;53;20;01
Krista Layne Sevajian
In fact, everyone drives in and out of town on this road. And I broke down and I cried so deeply, so hard because I knew this change was coming. And that was the day that I decided to quit. I heard it and I responded, I don't know. I said I had to share that.
00;53;20;12 - 00;53;31;11
Joe Bukartek
Thank you. Yeah, well, it sounds like you had to this had to happen in such a public place, given the way your story has been unfolding. Right. You had to show people another way.
00;53;32;04 - 00;53;50;27
Krista Layne Sevajian
This was the point. Like when I die, I always picture how people would admire me when I'm dead. And that is that they didn't even realize that I was necessarily the person that caused them to make the move they needed to. I was just simply a signal, like I just wanted it to be just like a signal. And that's how that that goes.
00;53;50;27 - 00;53;54;20
Krista Layne Sevajian
So they can make the decisions they've always wanted to make in life.
00;53;55;16 - 00;54;11;10
Joe Bukartek
You know, if a lot of really rich thought here, Krista, and to that end, is there a way that people can hear more of your thoughts or follow more of these insights? How do people find you?
00;54;12;05 - 00;54;35;10
Krista Layne Sevajian
So right now, we have our greatest presence on Instagram, and that's where a lot of our business comes from. So we're on Instagram at True Healing, and that place is the space where we have two lives per week. And so we consider our lives being a place where, yes, you can obtain crystals and cleansing sage and candles, but more so does nuggets of insight.
00;54;35;19 - 00;55;05;09
Krista Layne Sevajian
So oftentimes we'll just go into kind of these these types of talks where someone will put in the comments, something going on, and then it will literally trigger an idea that's coming forth and we'll talk about that. So those are the spaces where we meet in community and really just dove into life together. And then another space is our web site because once you subscribe there, we do invite you into a private Facebook area where we meet on there twice a week as well.
00;55;06;04 - 00;55;23;07
Krista Layne Sevajian
And we again and we have products again. And my people really love my people, the people that come to live, to really love watching us, unbox and do life and all of that stuff. And I would just say live, choose more about the community even. And then it is built with products, but the community is the space that keeps them alive.
00;55;23;09 - 00;55;29;05
Krista Layne Sevajian
So you can join us in our Facebook community, our live your community and also at Love Live true icon.
00;55;30;09 - 00;55;54;28
Joe Bukartek
Excellent well happily link all of those in the the show notes of this of the Christa lane surviving in episode here Chris it it's always a delight to get to chat with you often I have to share you with with my wife but it's been nice getting to chat one on one. I did not expressly ask every question that I had prompted you with prior, but you touched on a lot of it.
00;55;54;28 - 00;56;00;21
Joe Bukartek
Is there anything else that we didn't bring up that you'd like to that you'd like to talk about?
00;56;02;14 - 00;56;25;08
Krista Layne Sevajian
I think one of the things that happens in my community now is people love the story of crossing over to the other side in a couple of ways. Like they love how it went dark and we went light and created a business. They love how I show vulnerability and that I'm not perfect and I'm still learning and still awakening.
00;56;25;12 - 00;56;50;09
Krista Layne Sevajian
This job transfer to leave my job and go into my full time entrepreneurship and to run my business was another awakening. It was harder than I thought. I never stop working, so I have to work on schedules and like really be intentional about my time and how much I'm devoting to my business. And the other side of it was I was letting go of a lot of who I knew I was.
00;56;51;02 - 00;57;14;15
Krista Layne Sevajian
And so a lot of our followers now, like we just did a big hack for another influencer who is opening up an entrepreneurship business of teaching these artists how to be full time entrepreneurs. But I'll tell anybody doing that is expect more growth. Yes, it seems like more people are coming to the community, have lived through and talking about how they want to do it too.
00;57;14;15 - 00;57;35;25
Krista Layne Sevajian
So they watch my stories and they go, how can I do that? And they'll talk about it, but also be ready for a shell shock and an awakening, because to do this differently than you've always done it, it's another it's another whole portal you're about to walk through. So that's something I would just offer your viewers and your listeners because people who want to leave their full time jobs tend to find me.
00;57;36;24 - 00;57;48;09
Krista Layne Sevajian
And the other side of it, too, is it is romantic. It is a beautiful dance, but it's also some heartache in it too, and it grows you up as well. So that would be my last.
00;57;48;09 - 00;58;03;02
Joe Bukartek
Adam That's awesome. Chris Thank You for, for taking the time and, and being very open, vulnerable in sharing, sharing your story and sharing your thoughts with need with listeners. I really appreciate it.
00;58;04;00 - 00;58;07;26
Krista Layne Sevajian
You're welcome, Joe. Thanks for having me on here. It's such an honor to be a part of this.
00;58;08;13 - 00;58;13;23
Joe Bukartek
Thank you. True pleasure for me as well. I be speaking with you very soon, I'm sure.
00;58;14;09 - 00;58;16;20
Krista Layne Sevajian
See soon.
00;58;17;27 - 00;58;40;28
This has been intentionally ever after hosted by intentional lifestyle coach Joe Booker Tech. If you would like to have your own intentional conversation with Joe on or off the air visit intentionally ever after dot com. Thanks for listening.